2020-12-08 14:20:40
You guys really helped out. Just wonderful :slightly_smiling:客戶評價
我們已經從 Yotpo 評價轉移到 Google 評價,以提升信任與透明度!
Google 評價更廣為人知且容易存取,讓你可以透過熟悉的平台評估我們品牌的信譽,幫助客戶作出明智的購買決定。
你仍然可以透過以下連結查看我們超過十年營運中收集到的 2000+ Yotpo 評價。
2020-12-07 19:49:35
Very reliable and responsive team!2020-12-07 14:34:01
Great selection of flowers. My order arrived on time. Highly recommend!2020-12-07 11:41:26
Excellent service! Delivered on time and recipient is very happy with the fresh flowers. Thumbs up.2020-12-07 04:41:52
Great service2020-12-02 10:46:44
my client is very happy to receive.2020-12-01 16:43:47
the flowers arrived at the time i wished.
the flowers are nicely set/2020-12-01 04:16:41
Fast and reliable delivery when compared to some HK flower delivery firms2020-11-30 16:14:12
花好靚 比相更好 remark改嘅嘢改得好貼心. 已不停推介俾人. 非常滿意, 媽媽收到好開心~2020-11-30 08:53:32
Booked and paid a couple of weeks before the actual birthday date. Amazingly, it was delivered first thing around 9am on a Sunday morning to my girlfriend house. She loved the flowers and the cakes were delicious, very happy girlfriend and surprised to her too.